Saturday, 25 September 2010

LangTalk: The Beginning

So I decided yesterday, on my 24th birthday, that I was going to start writing a blog. I'm not really sure why. I think its due to something I like to call 'Cloverfield Arrogance'. In Cloverfield, the following conversation takes place:

Rob: Still filming?
Hud: Yeah, people are gonna want to know... how it all went down.
Rob: Well, you can just tell them how it all went down, Hud.
Hud: No, that wouldn't work. People need to see this, you know? It's gonna be important. People are going to watch this.

Yes, you fucking twat 'Hud', because your camera is THE ONLY CAMERA IN THE CITY. There is CCTV all over that city. There are professional cameramen in New York that work for the network news agencies, and you think that your camera is the one they will look at to see everything? Going by past experiences, when Godzilla attacked in 1998, there was a cameraman called 'Animal' that did some filming. Why do all these camera men have stupid names anyway? Hud and Animal?

The resemblance is uncanny

So I'm pretty sure that someone more trained in filming and cameraman-ship will have filmed something. Why does 'Hud' think his shitty hand-held camcorder is going to be the one that people want to look at? Because he is an arrogant bastard.

My name is Langers and that's why I'm writing this blog. People are going to want to know... how my life went down.

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